Laser Dentistry

Oral Tie Clinic Mason, Ohio
The Oral Tie Clinic at Mason Elite Dentistry offers lip and tongue tie releases using the gold standard, CO2 laser. A LightScalpel laser frenectomy, in most cases, is bloodless and requires no sutures. Compared to other methods, a LightScalpel CO2 laser frenectomy is quick, produces less bleeding, less swelling, less discomfort, reduces the risk of infection, and results in smoother recoveries. After experiencing the challenges of a lip and tongue tied infant first hand, Dr. Stewart pursued advanced training to perform these releases in her clinic. Dr. Stewart is a TOTS certified release provider and has completed the Tongue Tied Academy as well. Click below to learn more about the age specific approaches to laser dentistry.
To schedule a consultation: https://rwl.io/3Ulqxua